Sunday, March 11, 2012

Flyin' by...

Well, I set a reminder to blog on Friday nights and that blew right on by me! I think I was asleep by 10:30, which has been happening fairly often for me lately. I decided that for Lent I would give up caffeine and start going to bed earlier. Without caffeine, going to bed earlier is SO easy to do! This is also helpful for me to get ready for transfer. I started weaning off caffeine the Sunday before Ash Wednesday, so tonight marks 3 weeks since I've had any significant amount of caffeine. Other than some sleepiness in the afternoons I feel like I'm doing great!

In other news, we got our calendar this week! Seems like it was a long time coming! I added everything into my Google Calendar as soon as I could after we got it. I know April 24 seems like so far away, but when I was putting everything in, it really didn't seem so far away anymore.

3-22 Start 10 units of Lupron per day,
3-28 Stop BCP
4-2 Blood work and Ultrasound, Start Oral Estrace 1x per day,
4-7 Estrace 2x per day,
4-10 Estrace  3x per day,
4-16 Blood work and Ultrasound

Everything after that is tentative and based on Katie's cycle and retrieval, but following the blood work on 4-16 we should know when I will start the PIO injections.

So being that it is March 11, there are currently 11 days remaining until I get "Lupy" and 44 days until April 24.

Today was a get together for a couple other surrogates and myself, we went to On the border for dinner. I had a great night! I love when I get to hang out with other surrogates in person! I hope we can do it again soon, one of them doesn't live far from where I'm at while the boys are in therapy every day. This week is spring break for my kids, and other than a few play dates and therapy, we don't have much planned. I hope to get some housework done and relax as much as possible.

I hope you have a wonderful week! Be blessed!

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