Saturday, September 18, 2010


Give me a week or two to feel the side effects, but I have been so excited and so ready to start the process, starting with Lupron, that I'm kinda giddy about it.

This morning was my first shot... forgive the bad photo, my cell was the only camera I could find at the moment. This is what my "work area" looked like just before.

There it is! Three pills (2 are prenatals) and a Lupron shot. Don't forget that sharps box!

It took me a little while to psych myself up to doing it, so I did a heavy load of dishes while staring at the equipment and getting mentally prepared. Once I actually did it, it wasn't so bad. So hooray for overcoming that! It did raise up a little and itch quite a bit for about an hour but that went away.

So now there it is... We've officially begun making dreams come true :)

God, thank you so much for this opportunity to help J&J. Please help me to be a vessel not only by helping them achieve their dreams to be parents, but to lead them closer to you. Draw us close together and create a bond that no one else could imagine and a friendship that last always. Thank you again for choosing to use me as your vessel. I love you and want to honor you in all I do, for Your Son's Name, Amen.

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