Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Well, here we are! Tonight is the eve before transfer day!! I'm so excited and giddy! I spoke with IM on the phone tonight and it was hard not to "catch" her enthusiasm as well. 

We have plans to go to lunch around 11:30, then go to the transfer together, and afterward she'll bring me home. Then I get to spend 24 hours being doted on.... okay well, not in this house... at least I get to lay down for 24 hours and pretend like I'm being doted on for most of the time. I know hubby will do his best, though he has to work tomorrow night. But he gets a three day weekend, which I'm very thankful for. 

Today was a day to get ready. I had some heart-work to do today, as well as real-live errands to run and get things done. I also did a little shopping and got some new jammies to wear after transfer, they're super cute! Tonight I had a prayer-partner I used to pray with at church pray with me, and now I'm listening to some worship music. Before I go to sleep I'm going to pray up and read my Bible for a bit. I really want my heart in the same "ready" place that my body is in.

Heavenly Father, only you know what is on my heart today. I pray Father that you would remove those things from me and replace them with peace, so they don't weigh me down tomorrow. I pray Father for your guidance from the moment we get up in the morning, until we lay down to sleep again tomorrow night. Father keep J&J in your perfect peace and calm the anxieties they are feeling, yet keep a live the excitement they feel- it's so contagious! Guard our hearts and minds and take captive things we don't need to be thinking about and fill us with your love and grace. I pray once again that you would guide the doctor's hands as he places the embryos on the lining where they will sink in for the next coming months. I pray for lining that is fluffy and perfect for those embryos and that they would stick right where they need to be. Lord, I have faith that you have ordained this and are making everything happen in your own way. I put my trust and faith in you for a wonderful transfer tomorrow, a successful cycle, and ultimately a healthy pregnancy and one or possibly two babies for J&J. I love you so much God, and thank you for your absolute grace in my life to bring me to this place. It's in your son's name I believe and pray, Amen.


  1. They did a lot of testing on it prior to freezing it in order to know that all chromosomes were there and were healthy. Part of the perks of that is finding out the gender by seeing the x and y chromosomes. The 2nd was still too small at the time of freezing to know.
